- 6.1: Lower Sixth
- 6.2: Upper Sixth
- Bigside: Large pitch near Pavillion, where the senior teams tend to play. The 1st team in various sports are often also referred to as Bigside. For example, “I’m playing Bigside rugby this year”.
- Central Hour: The period of the day after lunch when activities such as music group rehearsals take place, before Games.
- Chores: The jobs completed by Shells to ensure the smooth running of the Social. They include collecting the papers and the post, and putting the daily deliveries of milk and bread in the Social kitchens
- Cocoa: An evening gathering in Social where the Tutor, Sub-Tutor or PHM host food and drinks.
- Don: Teacher
- Dry Bob: Plays Hockey and Cricket in Lent and Summer Terms.
- Exeat: Weekend leave, usually from Friday lunchtime until Monday evening. There are four of these each year, in addition to Leave-Aways.
- Fifth: Year 11
- Form Master: Don who meets regularly with boys to discuss academic and pastoral matters. They also oversee the teaching of PSHE.
- House Prefects: Boys chosen to carry out duties in Social such as supervising Prep or bedtimes. One will be the Deputy Head of Social, another may be Captain of Games.
- Leave-Away: Half term
- Mentor: 6.1 boy who is responsible for looking after a nominated Shell during their first year
- PHM: Pastoral Housemistress (Matron)
- Prefect: Boys chosen for leadership in academic and co-curricular areas of Radley life
- Privi: Abbreviation of privilege weekend. Boys may go home on Saturday once school commitments (including matches and games) are finished and must return by 9pm on Sunday evening. Boys are entitled to two Privis each term.
- Pup: Head Prefect in Social. He organises the Social Prefects and is a good source of advice for boys.
- Remove: Year 10
- Senior Prefect: Head Boy
- Senior Pups: Four boys appointed by the Warden to act as the boy leadership team. It includes the Senior Prefect, Second Prefect and two Senior Pups with responsibility for academic and co-curricular matters.
- Shell: Year 9
- Short Break: 10:45 – 11:15
- Social: Boarding House
- Social Hall: Large room(s) in Socils for use by Shells, where prep is done
- Sub-Warden: Senior Deputy Head
- Sunday Out: A Sunday where boys may go out with their parents or a friend (with your parents’ and Tutor’s permission) after Chrpsl on Sunday, returning by 9pm (or by Chapel if there is a Sunday Evensong)
- Tutor: Housemaster
- Warden: Headmaster
- Wet Bob: Rower in Lent and Summer