Dear Parents
A very warm welcome to the Radley College community. It is an outstanding school with a long tradition and we hope that your son will be very happy and flourish in our close-knit environment.
We believe this is the start of a unique educational experience – with every academic opportunity, a strong pastoral support system and an exceptional enrichment and co-curricular programme for all; we look forward to helping your son make the most of his years with us.
I hope you will find all the information below that you need to make his start here as soon as possible (please ensure that you scroll down the page to access all the available sections). Further details about the various opportunities on offer can be found on our website.
The Health Centre is staffed by a team of qualifies nurses, healthcare assistants and an administrator. The nursing team provides 24hr care for the boys during term time. Health Forms will be sent separately to you electronically.
It is essential for parents of all new boys to complete these forms as soon as possible, including any printout vaccination history obtained from your son’s current GP Practice, along with current Specialist letters for any ongoing treatment and prescriptions.
Due to medical confidentially and the sensitive nature of information any returns need to be sent directly to the Health Centre (not Admissions) either by email ( or post labelled ‘Health Centre’ at the College address.
The Bursary will also be sending you further information about billing and direct debit payment details by email and there will be further forms to complete and return direct.
We very much look forward to welcoming our new pupils to the school in September 2025. We will do all that we can to provide your son with an experience that will serve him for the rest of his life – school, university and beyond.
With best wishes,
Sophie Langdale
Director of Admissions and Communications
Starting at a new school can be a challenge; your excitement will probably be mingled with a few understandable nerves. But you can be sure that you will be welcomed warmly: in your Social and in the College as a whole.
New Shells 2025
Please read all the sections below carefully. You will be invited separately to complete the New Boy Forms on My School Portal to choose all your son’s Sport, Music, Drama and Languages options.
Languages as a Shell
All boys study two European languages at the start of their first year at Radley. We offer timetabled lessons in French, German and Spanish. Mandarin is not taught on the timetable, although one weekly lesson is available to boys who would like to develop their proficiency or to pick up the language as a hobby.
It is compulsory to study at least one modern language as a GCSE option, and many boys continue with two. To help the decision-making process, we have compiled a summary of compelling reasons to learn each language outlined here.
If your son can already speak and write French, German or Spanish to a native standard, please note that he should probably not attend lessons in that language during the Shell year. For example, a boy who has been attending school in Spain should, in most cases, select French and German.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the Modern Languages department:
Classics as a Shell
All Shells study the Classical World, whether through Latin, Classical Greek or Classical Civilisation, or a combination of these subjects. Many boys now arrive at Radley without having studied Latin, and the Shell curriculum is designed to allow both beginners and those with experience of the languages to make appropriate progress towards GCSE and A Level, and beyond. New boys sit aptitude assessments in the first two lessons of the year and thereafter setting is very fluid as boys progress at different speeds. By the end of the year, those for whom the language is a challenge will end up doing more work on history and culture, and reading literature in translation, while those who are strong linguistically can study both Latin and Greek. Our two most recent Oxbridge acceptances for Classics show the efficacy of this approach: one arrived as a Shell already with several years’ experience of both Latin and Greek from prep school, while the other was a complete beginner.
Sport as a Shell
Our aim at Radley is to provide an environment where pupils of all abilities can strive for success, achieve that success and then be rewarded for their accomplishment. With that in mind, the Shells should take every opportunity to throw themselves into the Shell Circus and activities programme which complements the main games sessions of the Michaelmas and Lent terms. Boys will therefore have plenty of opportunities to explore sports that they may not yet have played.
The main game for Shells in the Michaelmas term is rugby. I would stress that whilst we stipulate that all Shells play rugby, that does not mean that they play contact rugby – that choice is very much up to them and many of the boys will choose to opt for tag and touch rugby instead of the contact version. Shells may also be permitted to pursue beagling and other sports, by arrangement with their Tutor and the Director of Sport. The main games sessions happen between 14.40 – 16.00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The timings for games on Fridays differ depending on whether we are running on the Winter or Summer timetable. If we are on the Winter timetable, games take place before periods 6 and 7 – this is reversed in the summer timetable.
Boys will be selected for the squad which is representative of their ability, experience and endeavour.
We encourage boys to take part in, and make use of, the second sport slot on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which is a good chance to practise or experience the sport which they are likely to choose and play the following term. In practice, this means that boys, therefore, can very easily have two sessions of sport on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the very minimum.
Fixtures typically take place on a Saturday afternoon, or a Thursday if a fixture precedes an exeat weekend or Leave Away (Half Term).
The Shells will choose between hockey and rowing in the Lent term. Boys can also play football but as their activity choice rather than their games option. Some rugby 7s is also played in the Lent term.
In the Summer term the Shells choose between cricket and rowing. Boys can play both cricket and tennis, with tennis fixtures largely falling on a Tuesday or Thursday and cricket fixtures on a Saturday. Boys who are keen to play both can do so if they wish and can also sign up for tennis lessons in Central Hour slots.
The best and keenest Shell sportsmen will begin a programme of strength and conditioning come the start of the Lent term. This traditionally happens in the early morning once a week.
We pride ourselves on offering a full, competitive fixture card for boys of all abilities and very much aspire to have some of our top coaches working regularly with the lower ability teams.
Social sport is also a prominent feature of each term’s calendar and there is ample opportunity to represent your Social in almost all sports offered by Radley.
Whether it is rackets, rugby, squash, real tennis, hockey, cricket or rowing to name but a few… there will be a sport for you!
To ensure that your son starts the academic year at a level of physical fitness that will enable him to make an instant impact on sport, please follow these strength and conditioning guidelines.
Mr J.A.Gaunt
Director of Sport
Music as a Shell
Music is central to the life of the College – all boys sing (enthusiastically!) in Chapel every day, and large numbers are involved in ensembles (from orchestra to Big Band to choir to percussion ensemble to chamber music) or in the thriving Bands Night, with recordings released on Radley Records. With at least three concerts a week and around 40 ensembles, there is an opportunity for everyone.
The department is a vibrant and exciting place, with over thirty visiting instrumental and singing teachers who bring experience from international performing careers and some of the UK’s top music institutions. There is a purpose-built concert hall (the Silk Hall), a theatre, an extensive suite of teaching and practice rooms along with a Music Technology facility and recording studio. Boys can access the music department to practise at any time during the day or evening, and at weekends, and there is a large team of teachers who can help with practice and accompaniments. Visiting professionals lead regular workshops and masterclasses, whilst the new Recital Series gives every boy in College access to high quality professional performances.
Singing and instrumental lessons
Over half the school has weekly music lessons (more than 600 lessons a week) – either continuing studies they started before Radley or beginning something new (or both!). Boys are actively encouraged to consider learning to play a musical instrument or having singing lessons, either as a beginner or to continue studies already started.
Please follow this link to read about how singing or music lessons are organised at Radley. The Instrumental Music Lessons guide can be downloaded and includes information about lessons, practising, reporting and examinations.
If your son will be having Music Lessons when he arrives at Radley, please take particular note of the following documents and having read the Music Contract (within the Instrumental Music Lessons guide), complete the New Boy Music Form sent to you by Admissions by 6 May 2024.
Academic Music
All boys in the Shells have two periods of class music per fortnight. Many boys choose to study music at GCSE and A level, as well as specialising in music for their Extended Project Qualification or taking the 6th Form Music Technology Curriculum Extension option. A number of boys go on to read music at university or music college, including as choral scholars and award holders at Conservatoire.
Choral Music
Chapel singing is central to College life, and the whole school recently recorded a CD (also released online) of popular hymns. Chapel Singing is led by the 120-strong auditioned Chapel Choir, which also sings alongside the Choral Society for concert performances. The Chapel Choir regularly sings Evensong in Cathedrals and College Chapels, and recently made a professional recording in Keble College, Oxford. There are also Close Harmony groups, the Chamber Choir and a number of smaller vocal groups specialising in either light or early music. The annual Partsong competition is one of the most popular events in the College calendar, run entirely by the boys.
Music Theatre
Music Theatre is particularly strong at Radley. There is a biennial College Musical, a Music Theatre Competition and regular masterclasses.
Orchestras, Bands and Chamber Ensembles
The Symphony Orchestra is the school’s flagship instrumental ensemble. There is also a String Orchestra, Brass Ensemble, Concert Band, Big Band and Percussion Ensemble. Membership of these is by recommendation of a boy’s instrumental teacher/s. There is a thriving programme of smaller Chamber Ensembles, at all levels, usually led by specialist Visiting Instrumental Teachers. Boys also have the opportunity to form their own ensembles, and there are opportunities to conduct and rehearse the larger ensembles.
Rock Bands, Songwriters, DJs and Music Technology
The Graduate Musician in Residence is responsible for co-ordinating the weekly bands night, which includes band mentoring, performance opportunities, jam sessions and recordings. This is supported by the team of guitar, singing and drum teachers, and the DJ teacher, who also specialises in music production. The annual Battle of the Bands showcases many of these groups, alongside regular Live Lounge evenings.
Concert opportunities, Masterclasses and Tours
There is a plethora of opportunities for solo and group performances, from weekly informal concerts to evening recitals. Regular larger concerts occur both at Radley and further afield, including major London and Oxford venues. Innovative events such as the Piano Extravaganza (an evening of music for multi-piano ensembles) ensure that boys at all levels of experience the thrill of live performance. There are hotly-contested competitions in all instrument families and an exciting programme of visiting musicians who lead masterclasses and workshops. These often give boys the opportunity to play alongside pupils from other schools. Biennial tours are a highlight of many boys’ Radley experience, with recent tours to Prague and Madrid. There is a tradition of boys organising their own concerts during their final year, bringing together performers from across the College.
The Precentor (Director of Music) is always happy to talk to parents and boys about the musical opportunities at Radley.
Sam Gladstone
Art as a Shell
The Radley School of Art is situated at the very heart of the College in Clocktower Court. Within the five purpose-built and fully equipped studios, there are facilities for painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, computer graphics and digital photography. Boys have art lessons in their Shell Year and can then choose to take the subject further at GCSE, AS and A ‘Level.
Additionally, within the wealth of co-curricular activities available at Radley, the Art Department offers a vibrant and creative learning environment with an “open door” policy with the largest painting studio remaining open to students during the evenings and over weekends.
There are many different artistic opportunities for the Shells to explore outside the academic timetabled art and design lessons. We have local, national, and international art trips, interactive talks, art workshops and our own commercial gallery which is open to the public. There is also a special slot on Wednesday Activity afternoons during which the boys can create art outside the curriculum and where they are encouraged to enter art competitions. Boys can work alongside each other in the art studios to develop their artistic skills and to experiment with new ideas and concepts for their own personal pleasure.
Ruth Tufnell
Head of Art
Design Engineering as a Shell
Boys will discover the Design Engineering department in the first week of being at Radley in the normal run of their lessons and will have an introduction to the workshop and the various specialist rooms. In addition to timetabled lessons, the department is open for free time work on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday afternoons, when a member of staff is available to help with personal projects. Once a week, one of our technicians runs a remote-control car club, aimed at helping with running repairs and honing skills of budding F1 drivers!
Robin Johnson
Head of Design Engineering
Drama as a Shell
The Drama Department offers a vibrant programme of co-curricular activities throughout the school year. Whether your son is an actor, singer or stage technician, there are lots of events on offer.
Every Shell is given the opportunity to perform in Radley’s Theatre in their first term by participating in the Haddon Cup – an annual inter-house Drama Competition. In the subsequent months, there are various workshops and competitions, ranging from stage combat to classical acting, and the Shell Year culminates with the Shell Show. In addition to the above programme, Removes and 6.1 have their own year group play, and a College Musical and Play are produced bi-annually, where girls from neighbouring schools are invited to perform. The Milligan Cup and Peter Cook Cup are another two competition highlights of the school year, giving students the chance to perform before industry professionals.
Our productions are supported by stage crews who have access to state-of-the-art technical equipment. The crews consist of students who specialise in a backstage or technical roles under the guidance of the Theatre’s technical manager.
Drama can be studied academically through GCSE Drama during the Remove and Vths years. Drama Award holders take part in termly workshops led by guest practitioners, increasing their actor training and knowledge of the industry.
Victoria Buse
Director of Drama
Electronic Devices for Shells
Radley offers a 1-1 iPad scheme for the new Shells. Each Shell receives an iPad with digital stylus and keyboard case to ensure everyone has access to the technology and to act as a companion to their studies, allowing them to take advantage of digital inking and other technologies used in learning for their first three years.
iPads are used to provide all the educational benefits whilst at the same time allowing access to other devices, such as phones, to be more closely monitored and, especially in the junior years, appropriately restricted.
During the Shell year, there is no particular need to purchase an additional device. The iPad will provide the technology boys will need for their school life. All the boys have Office 365 accounts for email and to provide access to Word, Excel, etc. along with targeted apps issued by the College. If there is a particular reason to purchase an additional device, please note that in the working environment of Social Hall there is limited secure space for devices so Shells should not bring desktop computers or large laptops to Radley. Most importantly, don’t commit to purchasing an expensive machine for the start of the Shell Year. If unsure, please consult with the Social Tutor.
In addition to any personal technology, there are around 150+ College PCs available to boys across the campus.
Many boys will argue that they will “need” a computer for their GCSE years – Removes (Year 10) and Fifths (Year 11) – however, the issue of iPads (from the Shell year) provides all the necessary tools for completing work and is a controlled environment. As boys progress to the end of their GCSEs it may well be prudent to consider a more substantial device for their A-level study relevant to the subjects they seek to read. Very few GCSE subjects have coursework and, where coursework does remain, it must often be supervised in one of our computer rooms on a College machine.
Richard Grice
Director of Digital Strategy
The Development Office
You and your son are joining the Radley community and while your immediate focus will be on his next five years with us, there is a vibrant network of Old Radleians globally who can assist him with career advice and mentoring in the future. As your son progresses through the school, the Radleian Society will provide increasing support as he considers next steps beyond Radley into university, career advancement or entrepreneurship. Throughout your time as a Radley parent, the Radleian Society organises social events and business networking events that you are most welcome to join.
Radley College was founded upon the philanthropic generosity of those who believed in the ethos of the school and since then, every generation has contributed to the high quality of education and our world class facilities, while preserving our history and heritage. From time to time, the Radley Foundation will invite you to support the College beyond school fees, and your support is always most gratefully received, if you are in a position to do so. All donations will directly enhance your son’s and future Radleians’ experience during his time with us.
Elisabeth Anderson
Development Director
New Sixth Form 2025
Sport in the Sixth Form
New 6.1 pupils should take every opportunity to find a sport that they enjoy and in which they could represent the College. There is a diverse range of sporting options and opportunities for new 6.1 boys.
The main sports of the Michaelmas term are rugby and rowing but there is complete freedom of choice for boys who are better suited to any of Radley’s other sports. It could be basketball, badminton, real tennis, swimming, squash, cross country, fives, beagling or golf to name but a few…
The focus shifts a little more to hockey and football in the Lent term, but the option remains to continue with any of the aforementioned sports. This is true of the Summer term too, however the traditional sports of cricket, tennis and athletics come to the fore, alongside rowing.
The main games sessions happen between 14.40 – 16.00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The timings for games on Fridays differ depending on whether we are running on the Winter or Summer timetable. If we are on the Winter timetable, games take place before periods 6 and 7 – this is reversed in the summer timetable.
We encourage boys to take part in and make use of the second sport slot on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a good chance to practise or experience the sport which they are likely to choose and play the following term. In practice this means that boys, therefore, can very easily have two sessions of sport on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the very minimum.
Fixtures typically take place on a Saturday afternoon, or a Thursday if a fixture precedes an exeat weekend or Leave Away (Half Term).
We pride ourselves on offering a full, competitive fixture card for boys of all abilities and very much aspire to have some of our top coaches working regularly with the lower ability teams.
Social sport is also a prominent feature of each term’s calendar and there is ample opportunity to represent your Social in almost all sports offered by Radley.
Whether it is rackets, rugby, real tennis, hockey, cricket or rowing (to name but a few) there will be a sport for you!
To ensure that your son starts the academic year at a level of physical fitness that will enable him to make an instant impact on sport, please follow these strength and conditioning guidelines.
Mr J.A.Gaunt
Director of Sport
Music in the Sixth Form
Music is at the heart of Radley College, both on a daily basis in Chapel, and in a wide range of concerts, professional workshops, competitions, drama productions and tours. The department is a vibrant and exciting place, with over thirty visiting instrumental and singing teachers who bring experience from international performing careers and some of the UK’s top music institutions. There is a purpose-built concert hall (the Silk Hall), a theatre, an extensive suite of teaching and practice rooms along with a Music Technology facility and recording studio. Boys can access the music department to practise at any time during the day or evening, and at weekends, and there is a large team of teachers who can help with practice and accompaniments. There are over 40 weekly ensembles, providing opportunities for boys at all levels, from the Symphony Orchestra to the Big Band, from Rock Bands to the 120-strong Chapel Choir, as well as a flourishing array of Chamber Ensembles. Visiting professionals lead regular workshops and masterclasses, whilst the new Recital Series gives every boy in College access to high quality professional performances.
Singing and instrumental lessons
Around half the boys at the school have singing or instrumental lessons. Please follow this link to read about how singing or music lessons are organised at Radley: Click here. The Instrumental Music Lessons guide can be downloaded and includes information about lessons, practising, reporting and examinations.
Academic Music
Many boys choose to study music at A-level, as well as specialising in music for their Extended Project Qualification or taking the 6th Form Music Technology Curriculum Extension option. A number of boys go on to read music at university or music college, including as choral scholars and award holders at Conservatoire.
Choral Music
Chapel singing is central to College life, and the whole school recently recorded a CD (also released online) of popular hymns. Chapel Singing is led by the 120-strong auditioned Chapel Choir, which also sings alongside the Choral Society for concert performances. The Chapel Choir regularly sings evensong in Cathedrals and College Chapels, and recently made a professional recording in Keble College, Oxford. There are also Close Harmony groups, the Chamber Choir and a number of smaller vocal groups specialising in either light or early music. The annual Partsong competition is one of the most popular events in the College calendar, run entirely by the boys.
Music Theatre
Music Theatre is particularly strong at Radley. There is a biennial College Musical, a Music Theatre Competition and regular masterclasses.
Orchestras, Bands and Chamber Ensembles
The Symphony Orchestra is the school’s flagship instrumental ensemble. There is also a String Orchestra, Brass Ensemble, Concert Band, Big Band and Percussion Ensemble. Membership of these is by recommendation of a boy’s instrumental teachers. There is a thriving programme of smaller Chamber Ensembles, at all levels, usually led by specialist Visiting Instrumental Teachers. Boys also have the opportunity to form their own ensembles, and there are opportunities to conduct and rehearse the larger ensembles.
Rock Bands, Songwriters, DJs and Music Technology
The Graduate Musician in Residence is responsible for co-ordinating the weekly bands night, which includes band mentoring, performance opportunities, jam sessions and recordings. This is supported by the team of guitar, singing and drum teachers, and the DJ teacher who also specialises in music production. The annual Battle of the Bands showcases many of these groups, alongside regular Live Lounge evenings.
Concert opportunities, Masterclasses and Tours
There is a plethora of opportunities for solo and group performances, from weekly informal concerts to evening recitals. Regular larger concerts occur both at Radley and further afield, including major London and Oxford venues. Innovative events such as the Piano Extravaganza (an evening of music for multi-piano ensembles) ensure that boys at all levels of experience enjoy the thrill of live performance. There are hotly-contested competitions in all instrument families and an exciting programme of visiting musicians who lead masterclasses and workshops. These often give boys the opportunity to play alongside pupils from other schools. Biennial tours are a highlight of many boys’ Radley experience, with recent tours to Prague and Madrid. There is a tradition of boys organising their own concerts during their final year, bringing together performers from across the College.
The Precentor (Director of Music) is always happy to talk to parents and boys about the musical opportunities at Radley.
Sam Gladstone
Art in the Sixth Form
The Radley School of Art is situated at the very heart of the College in Clocktower Court. Within the five purpose-built and fully equipped studios, there are facilities for painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, computer graphics and digital photography. Boys in the Sixth Form can take AS or A-level Art and Design.
Additionally, within the wealth of co-curricular activities available at Radley, the Art Department offers a vibrant and creative learning environment with an “open door” policy with the largest painting studio remaining open to students during the evenings and over weekends.
There are many different artistic opportunities for the Sixth Form to explore outside the academic timetabled art and design lessons. We have local, national, and international art trips, interactive talks, art workshops and our own commercial gallery which is open to the public. There is also a special slot on Wednesday Activity afternoons during which the boys can create art outside the curriculum and where they are encouraged to enter art competitions. Boys can work alongside each other in the art studios to develop their artistic skills and to experiment with new ideas and concepts for their own personal pleasure.
Ruth Tufnell
Head of Art
Design Engineering in the Sixth Form
Much of the introduction to Design Engineering is done in the lower school. However, the Design Engineering department is open to all. It might be a science investigation needing something to be designed on CAD and 3D printed or plasma cut, or even a personal project that needs manufacturing. We have members of staff available to help in free time sessions on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday afternoons.
Robin Johnson
Head of Design Engineering
Drama in the Sixth Form
There are numerous opportunities throughout the Sixth Form to engage with Drama at Radley.
At the start of the academic year, 6.1 lead the Haddon Cup – an annual inter-house drama competition. This is a chance for the 6.1 to hone their writing and directing skills. The boys write an original 10-minute play which they subsequently direct with their Social’s Shells. If your son is keen to tread the boards at Radley they will have the chance to take part in the 6.1 Play and the bi-annual College Play or Musical, performing alongside girls from neighbouring schools. In addition to the productions, there are also two very popular performance competitions: the Milligan Cup (musical theatre) and the Peter Cook Cup (acting). Both these events offer the unique experience of being judged by industry professionals. For the budding directors and writers, we also offer the opportunity to produce a student-led play in the Sixth Form. This can be developed through an EPQ, or as a co-curricular project. Our productions are supported by 6.1 stage crews who have access to state-of-the-art technical equipment. The crews consist of students who specialise in a backstage or technical role under the guidance of the Theatre’s technical manager.
As part of the Curriculum Extension Project, 6.1s may select LAMDA as one of their options. With a partner, under the guidance of a professional acting coach and mentored by the Drama department, boys prepare for Bronze or Gold Acting Awards. Boys can also choose to study A-level Drama, a two-year course which explores acting, devising and performance analysis; students will also have the opportunity to attend live theatre productions to support their learning and theatrical experience.
*Being involved in a year group production is a great way to meet and make friends with students who are not in your Social. If you are interested in taking part in the next 6.1 Play in a technical, stage management or acting capacity, please email Mr May ( by 1st June with any relevant experience.
Victoria Buse
Director of Drama
Electronic Devices for Sixth Form
In the 6.1, you have the freedom to purchase a device of your choice. Our recommendation is that the device has a touch screen with linked stylus to allow for handwritten input, and easy enough to carry around the College for use in and around lessons. There is, and will continue to be, an ever-changing market of devices to purchase, and a product that fits with the above requirements irrespective of ‘spec’ will be sufficient; if you want the device to last longer, a higher specification should see it through 5-6 years of advancements. When shopping around, it is worth noting that there may be educational discounts available which can be accessed with any registered email address.
In addition to any personal technology, there are around 150+ College PCs available to boys across the campus which can be used throughout the day and evening.
Richard Grice
Director of Digital Strategy
Shells Clothing, Sports' Kit and Equipment
The following information is intended for new parents of boys starting at Radley from September 2025.
All uniform (including sports’ kit) can be purchased online from school outfitters, Stevensons. They have 16 high street shops, including Reading, Oxford and London, where boys can try on uniform for fitting purposes. Parents are able to telephone or book online to make an in-store fitting appointment and the uniform can then be ordered online and will be sent home, fully nametaped, ready for the start of term. For international boys, the uniform can be ordered online and will be delivered, nametaped, to Radley, ready for the start of term. This does not include footwear and non-uniform items.
Stevensons will also be present at the Warden’s Welcome for New Shells on 19 May 2024 at the Radley ‘Pop Up Shop’ where boys can try on uniform and sportswear for size.
Stevensons Contact Details:
Call centre: +441727 815700
Second-hand uniform
There will also be an opportunity to purchase Second-hand uniform at the Warden’s Welcome and following this, by individual appointment, arranged through Admissions. To book, please email
Parents will need to order extra nametapes from Stevensons to put on bedding and all other ‘mufti’ (non-uniform) items plus provide the school with an extra 100 nametapes which need to be sent c/o the PHM of your son’s Social before the start of term.
The nametaping service is only offered on items purchased via Stevensons.
If you are nametaping items yourself and not ordering through Stevensons please ensure nametapes are white with capital lettering in the following format: INITIALS – SURNAME ‘SOCIAL’ e.g. J. C. SMITH ‘A’
Trunks are positively discouraged as we do not have enough storage space. Soft luggage is preferable to bring the boys’ clothing back. Please make sure it is clearly marked with their name. In addition, all boys should bring a holdall for use at Leave-Away, Privilege Weekends and away matches.
All uniform is available on the Stevensons website but can also be purchased from other retailers (such as Marks and Spencer or John Lewis) apart from the items asterisked below which can only be purchased from Stevensons.
1 x Social Academic Gown*
2 x Social tie*
1 x pair black leather smart shoes (not suede)
1 x navy blazer or sports jacket
2 x charcoal grey trousers (in addition to the suit trousers)
1 x dark coloured suit, single breasted (Sunday Chapel and away matches)
1 x v-neck navy pullover (washable, not cashmere)
1 x belt (black leather)
2 x white formal shirts
6 x pastel shirts (modest stripes, checked or plain)
9 x plain dark socks
10 x boxers/pants
4 x large sock bags* – approx. size 45cm x 45cm (essential)
10 x coat hangers (including 2 trouser hangers)
A variety of sports are on offer at Radley. All Shell boys will play rugby in the first term and sports options for the rest of the year will become clearer as the Michaelmas Term progresses.
Sportswear checklist
1 x WeatherLayer Jacket*
1 x TrainaLayer Bottoms*
1 x Quarter Zip Midlayer Top*
2 x Reversible Games Shirt*
1 x Performance Tee Shirt*
1 x Performance Polo Shirt*
2 x Blitz Rugby Shorts – Navy*
2 x Blitz Rugby Shorts – White*
1 x Baselayer Top*
2 x Pro Socks*
1 x Baselayer Shorts – Navy (optional)*
1 x Baselayer Shorts – White (optional)*
1 x pair rugby boots (see note below)
1 x non-marking trainers/gym shoes (indoor)
1 x trainers (outdoor)
1 x swimming trunks
1 x swim goggles
2 x white sports socks
1 x backpack/holdall (away matches, named)
Sports’ Equipment
Rugby (Michaelmas Term)
1 x pair rugby boots – evidence strongly supports the view that the nature of firm autumn grounds causes young boys, in particular, to suffer from sore ankles and feet as a result of training and playing in new rugby boots. As a result, boys can miss out on several days of sport due to easily avoidable injuries. Undertaking some form of regular exercise over the summer holidays will help, as will wearing a softer rugby/football boot. These boots, termed ‘moulded firm ground boots’, have rubber studs rather than screw-in metal ones (not to be confused with a ‘blades’ style sole) and we would highly recommend your son has a pair, alongside his normal rugby boots.
1 x mouthguard: all boys must wear mouthguards when playing rugby or hockey. If boys already have their own mouthguards, please do bring them. If not, boys will be measured for OPRO mouthguards in the first few days of term. Prices start from £41.99. We do not recommend that you use any home impression kits which can be unreliable.
Hockey (Lent Term)
1 x hockey stick – generally speaking, boys should bring their own stick. We do occasionally have a supplier visit Radley
1 x Astroturf shoes
1 x pair shin guards
1 x mouthguard (as above)
1 x pair gloves (optional)
Cricket (Summer Term)
Cricketers should supply all their own equipment: bat, pads, gloves, protective box etc. Please note that new boys do not need to purchase cricket wear until the Summer term and at that time, they will also require the following:
1 x cricket helmet: it is school (and national) policy that all pupils should wear a helmet when batting, keeping wicket or fielding close to the wicket on the leg side. Please ensure that your son has a helmet, preferably maroon, if he is a keen cricketer; if he currently has a helmet of a different colour he can use it until he needs a new one.
No specific kit is required for Shells.
Sixth Form rowers should bring their existing kit and will have the opportunity to buy RCBC kit on arrival.
Other Sports
Trainers are essential for all sports throughout the year. If your son is likely to play racket sports, golf or any other additional sport at Radley, he should bring the appropriate equipment. In particular, please be aware that eyewear protection should be considered. If your son is playing football, he must wear shin guards.
Please note that there is a strong likelihood that any future insurance claims will be invalidated if the safety guidance, given above, has not been followed.
After sports commitments on Saturday and after morning Chapel on Sunday, boys may wear home clothes. Casual footwear (e.g. deck shoes) is advisable. The current school rules define permissible home clothing more precisely and boys have to obey the spirit of the regulations, which are aimed at comfort.
1 x jeans
1 x sweatshirt
3 x t-shirts
1 x shorts
1 x pair casual shoes (e.g. deck shoes)
2 x pyjamas
1 x dressing gown
1 x slippers/flipflops/sliders
1 x shoe cleaning kit
All boys should bring their own duvet and pillow, together with two duvet covers. A bottom sheet and pillowcase will be provided by the school. Please ensure the nametapes are sewn near the opening of the cover. Parents should ensure that all clothes and duvets are suitable for machine washing and tumble drying (ideally, polycotton). Hand washable items cannot be laundered at school. There is a dry-cleaning service for suits, gowns, jackets etc. for which there is an extra charge. There is no charge for laundry, the cost of which is included in the basic fees.
1 x duvet + (optional blanket)
1 x pillow
2 x duvet covers (named near the opening of the cover)
1 x mattress topper (a good optional extra)
2 x bath towels
1 x swim towel
1 x plate, bowl, mug, cutlery (named)
1 x wash bag
1 x set of toiletries including roll-on deodorant (aerosol deodorants set our fire alarms off!), shampoo, conditioner, body wash etc.
Boys may keep bicycles at school, subject to sufficient storage space, but the College is not responsible for the loss, through theft, of them. It is advisable for ‘wet bobs’ (boys who row in the Lent and Summer terms) to have bicycles as the river is 1.5 miles away. They should be roadworthy and sturdy, have secure locks and be marked clearly with the boy’s name, initials and Social letter. It is unwise to bring expensive new bikes back to school. Helmets must be worn by all cyclists and should be clearly marked.
A tuck box (available from Stevensons) should be clearly marked with name or initials. Bread and milk are provided within Socials. Other foods for casual snacks should be brought if required, along with the necessary utensils to eat/drink/cook them.
1 x tuck box (lockable)
Healthy snacks (no perishables)
Cereal, savoury rice cakes, biscuits, pasta/noodle pots, soft sweets etc.
No chewing gum please
The Maths Department will supply all Shells with a Casio calculator fx-83GTX so there is no need to bring one. A-Level Mathematicians will also be supplied with a Casio Classwiz calculator fx-991EX.
We no longer supply the stationery starter pack so boys should bring the following stationery with them:
2 ring-binder folders
2 leaver-arch folders
2 sets file dividers (pack of 10)
A4 lined pad (with margin and hole punched, e.g., magnapad)
ink pen (black or blue ink)
red and blue biros
squared paper refill pad
graph paper refill pad
HB pencils (the Art Department will provide an art pencil case of materials including colouring pencils)
30cm ruler
Oxford Maths Set
Sixth Form Stationery
lever-arch files (1 per subject)
A4 lined pad (with margin and hole punched, e.g., magnapad)
ink pen (black or blue ink)
red and blue biros
squared and graph paper refill pad (Maths and Science)
Shop: Pocket Money/Cashless Cards (updated April 2023)
We operate a cashless campus for food and drink purchases at the Shop and the Clocktower Court Coffee Shop. To ensure your son can make purchases on campus, we recommend that he arrives at Radley with a debit or prepayment card or has set up either Apple Pay or Android Pay on his phone.
A credit, debit or prepayment debit card is also advisable for outings or other expenditure at Radley.
When your son is at Radley he will be able to buy replacement items of clothing through Stevensons which can be delivered to the school in term-time.
Electronic Devices
Radley offers a 1-1 iPad scheme for the new Shells. Each Shell receives an iPad with digital stylus and keyboard case to ensure everyone has access to the technology and to act as a companion to their studies. During the Shell year, there is no particular need to purchase an additional device.
Please follow this link for information about iPads for Shells.
If you are joining in the Remove year onwards, we will incorporate you into the 1-1 iPad scheme until the end of the Fifth form. You will receive a device to the same spec as Remove year group you are joining, which will include an iPad, digital stylus and keyboard case. This provides all the necessary tools for completing work digitally and is a controlled environment to avoid distractions from apps and social media.
Mobile Phones
New boys may bring mobile phones which will, initially, be kept by Tutors and handed out at appropriate times. A mobile phone does not need to be a smart phone. Please note, mobile phones are not covered under the school personal effects insurance policy.
Ear Phones
All boys are required to have a pair of small Bluetooth-enabled headphones for use with their iPad for lessons incorporating I.T. and to use during prep should they wish. These can also be used with College computers.
Sixth Form Clothing, Sports' Kit and Equipment
Sixth Form
The following information is intended for new parents of boys starting at Radley from September 2025.
All uniform (including sports’ kit) can be purchased online from school outfitters, Stevensons. They have 16 high street shops, including Reading, Oxford and London, where boys can try on uniform for fitting purposes. Parents are able to telephone or book online to make an in-store fitting appointment and the uniform can then be ordered online and will be sent home, fully nametaped, ready for the start of term. For international boys, the uniform can be ordered online and will be delivered, nametaped, to Radley, ready for the start of term. This does not include footwear and non-uniform items.
Stevensons Contact Details:
Call centre: +441727 815700
Parents will need to order extra nametapes from Stevensons to put on bedding and all other ‘mufti’ (non-uniform) items plus provide the school with an extra 30 nametapes which need to be sent c/o the PHM of your son’s Social before the start of term.
The nametaping service is only offered on items purchased via Stevensons.
If you are nametaping items yourself and not ordering through Stevensons please ensure nametapes are white with capital lettering in the following format: INITIALS – SURNAME ‘SOCIAL’ e.g. J. C. SMITH ‘A’
Trunks are positively discouraged as we do not have enough storage space. Soft luggage is preferable to bring the boys’ clothing back. Please make sure it is clearly marked with their name. In addition, all boys should bring a holdall for use at Leave-Away, Privilege Weekends and away matches.
All uniform is available on the Stevensons website but can also be purchased from other retailers (such as Marks and Spencer or John Lewis) apart from the items asterisked below which can only be purchased from Stevensons.
1 x Social Academic Gown*
2 x Social tie*
1 x pair black leather smart shoes (not suede)
1 x navy blazer or sports jacket
2 x charcoal grey trousers (in addition to the suit trousers)
1 x dark coloured suit, single breasted (Sunday Chapel and away matches)
1 x v-neck navy pullover (washable, not cashmere)
1 x belt (black leather)
2 x white formal shirts
6 x pastel shirts (modest stripes, checked or plain)
9 x plain dark socks
10 x boxers/pants
4 x large sock bags* – approx. size 45cm x 45cm (essential)
10 x coat hangers (including 2 trouser hangers)
Boys should only purchase items relating to the sports they intend to play when they are at Radley College.
2 x reversible games shirt*
1 x Blitz rugby short in navy*
1 x Blitz rugby short in white*
2 x Pro socks*
Racket based sports (Badminton, Real Tennis, Fives, Squash, Rackets)
1 x Performance t-shirt*
1 x Performance polo shirt*
1 x blitz rugby shorts in white*
2 x white socks
1 x non marking trainers
1 x Performance t-shirt*
1 x Performance polo shirt*
1 x blitz rugby shorts in white*
2 x white socks
1 x non marking trainers
2 x Performance polo shirt*
1 x trainalayer bottoms*
Cross country
1 x performance t shirt*
1 x Blitz rugby short in navy*
1 x Blitz rugby short in white*
1 x cross country vest* (issued by Master in charge of cross country)
1 x weatherlayer jacket*
1 x trainalayer bottoms*
1 x quarter zip midlayer top*
1 x performance t-shirt*
1 x trainalayer bottoms*
2 x performance t-shirt*
2 x dark blue swimming shorts or swimming trunks
1 x Olive-green waterproof jacket
1 x Olive-green moleskin or tweed trousers/breeks
1 x Green or tweed flat cap
1 x Long olive-green shooting socks
The above is worn with a normal school shirt and tie and extra layers can be added as required, but school branded clothing is not to be worn.
Rowers will be given an opportunity to purchase specific kit fom our supplier, Termaxx, each season. The Master in Charge of Rowing will be in touch directly with further details.
2 x RCCC playing shirts *
Required for all sports
1 x TrainaLayer Bottoms *
1 x Quarter Zip Midlayer Top *
1 x Backpack/holdall (for away matches, named)
1 x pair rugby boots
1 x mouthguard
1 x hockey stick
1 x Astroturf shoes
1 x pair shin-guards
1 x mouthguard
1 x pair gloves (optional)
1 x cricket helmet
1 x cricket box
Other Sports
Trainers are essential for all sports throughout the year. If your son is likely to play racket sports, golf or any other additional sport at Radley, he should bring the appropriate equipment. In particular, please be aware that eyewear protection should be considered. If your son is playing football, he must wear shin guards.
Please note that there is a strong likelihood that any future insurance claims will be invalidated if the safety guidance, given above, has not been followed.
After sports commitments on Saturday and after morning Chapel on Sunday, boys may wear home clothes. Casual footwear (e.g. deck shoes) is advisable. The current school rules define permissible home clothing more precisely and boys have to obey the spirit of the regulations, which are aimed at comfort.
1 x jeans
1 x sweatshirt
3 x t-shirts
1 x shorts
1 x pair casual shoes (e.g. deck shoes)
2 x pyjamas
1 x dressing gown
1 x slippers/flipflops/sliders
1 x shoe cleaning kit
All boys should bring their own duvet and pillow, together with two duvet covers. A bottom sheet and pillowcase will be provided by the school. Please ensure the nametapes are sewn near the opening of the cover. Parents should ensure that all clothes and duvets are suitable for machine washing and tumble drying (ideally, polycotton). Hand washable items cannot be laundered at school. There is a dry-cleaning service for suits, gowns, jackets etc. for which there is an extra charge. There is no charge for laundry, the cost of which is included in the basic fees.
1 x duvet + (optional blanket)
1 x pillow
2 x duvet covers (named near the opening of the cover)
1 x mattress topper (a good optional extra)
2 x bath towels
1 x swim towel
1 x plate, bowl, mug, cutlery (named)
1 x wash bag
1 x set of toiletries including roll-on deodorant (aerosol deodorants set our fire alarms off!), shampoo, conditioner, body wash etc.
Boys may keep bicycles at school, subject to sufficient storage space, but the College is not responsible for the loss, through theft, of them. It is advisable for ‘wet bobs’ (boys who row in the Lent and Summer terms) to have bicycles as the river is 1.5 miles away. They should be roadworthy and sturdy, have secure locks and be marked clearly with the boy’s name, initials and Social letter. It is unwise to bring expensive new bikes back to school. Helmets must be worn by all cyclists and should be clearly marked.
A-Level Mathematicians will be supplied with a Casio Classwiz calculator fx-991EX.
Boys should bring the following stationery with them:
Lever-arch files (one per subject)
A4 lined pad (with margin and hole punched, e.g., magnapad)
Ink pen (black or blue ink)
Red and blue biros
Squared and graph paper refill pad (Maths and Science)
Shop: Pocket Money/Cashless Cards (updated April 2023)
We operate a cashless campus for food and drink purchases at the Shop and the Clocktower Court Coffee Shop. To ensure your son can make purchases on campus, we recommend that he arrives at Radley with a debit or prepayment card or has set up either Apple Pay or Android Pay on his phone.
A credit, debit or prepayment debit card is also advisable for outings or other expenditure at Radley.
When your son is at Radley he will be able to buy replacement items of clothing through Stevensons which can be delivered to the school in term-time.
Electronic Devices
In Sixth Form you have the freedom to purchase a device of your choice. Our recommendation is that the device have a touch screen with linked stylus to allow for handwritten input, and easy enough to carry around the College for use in and around lessons. There is and will continue to be an ever-changing market of devices to purchase, and a product that fits with the above requirements irrespective of ‘spec’ will be sufficient; if you want the device to last longer, a higher specification should see it through 5-6 years of advancements. When shopping around, it is worth noting that there may be educational discounts available which can be accessed with any registered email address.
Mobile Phones
New boys may bring mobile phones. Please note, mobile phones are not covered under the school personal effects insurance policy.
Ear Phones
All boys are required to have a pair of small Bluetooth-enabled headphones for use with their iPad for lessons incorporating I.T. and to use during prep should they wish. These can also be used with College computers.
Term Dates and Travel
Radley is a full boarding school where weekends are busy. Please see the term dates section of the website for full details. The general rules for going home are as follows:
1. Leave-Away
We have a half term (Leave-Away) every term.
2. Exeats
All boys go home for Exeats and, if a boy’s parents live abroad, arrangements must be made for him to be looked after during this time. Our Educational Guardianship Form should be uploaded to the Parent Portal before your son’s arrival at Radley. The aim is to give boys a good break over an extended weekend, so Exeats run from 12.00 on the Friday to 21:00 on the Monday. Please do not make arrangements that require boys to leave early for this break. The pattern for Exeats throughout the year is as follows:
Michaelmas Term: two Exeats (Michaelmas and Advent), one either side of Leave-Away.
Lent Term: one Exeat before Leave-Away (Hilary).
Summer Term: depending on public exams, we sometimes have an Exeat in the first half of the term (Trinity).
3. Privilege Weekends (‘privi’)
Every boy is allowed two privis in each term (one each side of Leave-Away), but if there is no Trinity Weekend he may take three privis in the Summer Term.
A privi starts immediately after a boy’s games commitment on a Saturday, and boys should return by 21:00 on Sunday but not before 19:00.
All boys may take an extra privi after a Social Culture Evening.
In the unusual event of a request for a further privi, Tutors will refer to the Sub Warden.
Over these weekends school commitments must take precedence and parents should not feel pressurized about them if they live a long way from Radley. We would wish to stress that privis are times for going home so that a boy can keep in close touch with his parents and are not weekends to be spent in London with friends.
When a privi is being arranged, a boy’s Tutor must receive written or e-mail notice at least a week in advance.
4. Sundays
Boys are also allowed out on a Sunday when school commitments permit. In practice this means after morning Chapel (11:15), returning by 21:00. It would be unusual for a boy to go home on a Sunday regularly.
5. Flights
These should be booked to depart no earlier than 15:45 (or 16:45 for long-haul flights) – taxis generally leave from the Bursary at 13:00 for the airports and Oxford Station, in time for 16:00 flights from LHR (17:30 for long haul), and for flights departing after 17:00 from Gatwick.
Transfers can be arranged outside these times in exceptional circumstances, with permission from your son’s Tutor.
Please contact Sue Colmer (EA to Common Room), on 01235 548545 or who is happy to help make arrangements and answer any queries.
Return flights should arrive no later than 19:30 so that boys have returned to their Social by 21:00. Parents may contact a taxi firm direct to arrange for their son’s return to College or through Sue Colmer before the end of previous term.
Contact details for taxi companies are:
Go Green Taxis: 01235 811100 or e-mail:
Summertown Executive Cars: 01865 591915 / +44 (0)7900 838348 or email:
Boys who have Guardians in the UK will need to complete a ‘Travel Form’ each time they leave school to stay with their Guardian (available from their Tutor).
A Welcome from the Chaplain
It is a tremendous pleasure to welcome your son as he joins the community at Radley. I am greatly looking forward to getting to know both him and yourselves over the coming years.
Chapel holds a very special place in life at Radley. We are a diverse community and boys come to us from a variety of faith backgrounds or none at all, but every Radleian I’ve met – both past and present – speaks of Chapel with a remarkable fondness. Services take place throughout the week and, as such, it is the only place where the entire school gathers together as a community on a regular basis. It provides the boys with valuable time and space to reflect and be themselves in what can otherwise be a very busy environment (not to mention the opportunity to belt out some much-loved hymns!). As a result, Chapel helps to make Radley what it is.
Parents may also wish to be aware of these more specific aspects of Chapel life:
Sunday Services
Parents and families are most welcome at Sunday services. Certain services – especially at the beginning and end of term – create more pressure on numbers, so we will aim to communicate through the weekly Bulletin whether it is possible for families to attend.
Confirmation services (for the Church of England) take place in November and March. These are always lovely occasions at which confirmands are joined by families and godparents. The boys sign-up at the beginning of Michaelmas or Lent. I and other dons then take the boys for a number of preparatory sessions to give them an opportunity to ask questions and discuss Christianity in a relaxed setting. Most boys choose to be confirmed as Removes or Vths, but they can be confirmed in any year. I am always happy to discuss with boys and parents whether confirmation would be appropriate if they are unsure.
Roman Catholic worship
Roman Catholic Mass is celebrated most Sundays in term time with dates published in the school calendar. This takes place in the Chapel of the Resurrection above Memorial Arch and parents are again most welcome to attend. Roman Catholic confirmation takes place in the summer term through the Diocese of Portsmouth.
Parents’ Prayer Group
Parents’ Prayer Group: a group of parents meets two or three times a year to pray for the life of the school. If you would like more information then please contact Mr Ed Holt (
Christian Forum
Finally, we aim to provide boys who want to dig deeper into questions of faith the chance to explore and discuss in less formal settings. There are various discussion groups that run throughout the year, especially Christian Forum, which meets at 9pm every Tuesday.
I look forward to meeting you and your son in the new academic year and welcoming you all to the Radley community in our New Boys’ Service which will take place on the first day of term. In the meantime, if you would like to speak to me about any of this, please do contact me.
The Rev’d Dr Bob Evans