Mo has worked in Radley’s catering team for 14 years and is a familiar face to many of us, whether topping up the coffee in Common Room or serving lunch with a smile. We asked Mo to tell us about her journey from Kyoto to Oxford.

I come from a town near Kyoto, in Japan, and one of my first jobs was during the housing bubble of the early 90s, when I worked in sales for a housing company in Tokyo. I worked long hours on commission and after a while I realised it wasn’t for me! My dream was to be a voice actor and I worked in a coffee shop to make a living while I auditioned for roles. That’s where I met my late husband, who was one of my customers. In 1998, we moved to Oxford.

Before I arrived at Radley I had been working at Florence Park Children’s Centre in Oxford. Sadly the Children’s Centre has closed now but I made food for parents and their babies and toddlers which was really rewarding but the hours weren’t really enough unfortunately.

One of my favourite films is The Remains of the Day and I was fascinated by the English butler, Mr Stevens, played by Anthony Hopkins. When I saw the job at Radley I immediately thought of that film and knew it would appeal to me!

Tell us what your job entails day-to-day?

I start my day at 6:30am getting breakfast ready in the Common Room dining room. Originally we served hot food but now the food is self-service. I collect the food from the kitchens and set everything up ready for the dons.

During breakfast, I deliver catering supplies around the campus and then return to Common Room to set up for Short Break. I serve lunch to staff and boys in the servery before returning to Common Room to set up afternoon tea. Sometimes I’m also here for evening functions and I often work in the holidays as well when we have Lets in.


What do you like about your job?

I love working in the Common Room in the morning. I make sure everything is neat and tidy before starting to prepare coffee for the dons before they arrive. I like to know that they are starting their day off in a clean and fresh environment. I enjoy the early starts, especially in the spring when I arrive as the sun’s coming up – to see the dawn in such a beautiful place is a real privilege.

I sometimes think of my job as a free gym. I call the stairs leading to the Common Room the ‘killer stairs’ – after 14 years at Radley I’m still not used to them! It’s a fantastic workout.

What changes have you seen?

Since I started in 2010, there are more events and functions – it’s busier but in a positive, energetic way. The food the team come up with is so inventive and exciting, particularly the food served at functions and in Shop. Like many departments, we face problems like staff shortages and supply issues but we’re a strong team and we’re really adaptable.

I enjoy the early starts, especially in the spring when I arrive as the sun’s coming up – to see the dawn in such a beautiful place is a real privilege.

Away from work, where would we find you?

I love the cinema. I enjoy the whole experience of shutting out the rest of the world and watching films on the big screen. I love independent films and things that make me think. I also do a lot of gardening at home. I love the colours of an English garden and attracting insects and wildlife with what I plant. I find it relaxing and enjoyable and I’m getting more knowledgeable the more I do.

What makes Radley a special place to work?

I’ve been very happy here for the last 14 years – I’ve never worked anywhere for more than three years. I feel looked-after and I think of the rest of the team as family. We work hard but we also have some great gatherings. At Christmas, the management team serve us drinks and order pizzas so the chefs don’t have to cook. We’re a very diverse and unique group of people so every day is interesting!