Radley Rangers vs MCC on Bigside, 19 May 2024

Report by George Greville Williams (2012, K)

On a hot, batting friendly day, the MCC let the Rangers know about how great a privilege it is to play against them; they won the toss and elected to bat. The opening bowlers Jonty Robinson (2012, K) and Sam Turner (2012, E) bowled nicely against some strong opposition. They forced the edge twice, both times caught, by first slip and then keeper, proper cricket. A beauty of a delivery saw the MCC slip to 59-3 and the Rangers were beginning to sense an opening.

The spin trifecta of Kit Morland (2011, D), Declan Rugg (2018, K) and George Greville Williams (2012, K) toiled away but didn’t get their just rewards. There were opportunities in the field which went amiss; and Wags wouldn’t have been over the moon with some of the ground fielding. However, Morland and Greville Williams both struck to leave the MCC 197-5. The latter gave off a double armed fist pump and a surprisingly large send-off having bowled their number 3 for 66. The MCC declared on 252-6 and the Rangers were optimistic about the task at hand. There were a few murmurs suggesting the MCC had ‘left a few out there’ and that ‘250 was below par’ …

The openers Tom S (6.1, K) and Val Brooke (2013, H) saw off the new ball but both got out cheaply leaving the Rangers 18-2. Jack Folkestone (2012, E) and Rollo Harrap (2017, F) lasted until tea. The cake and brie energised Harrap who proceeded to hit the first over back for four fours. Sadly, the sugar rush kicked in and he chipped one into the air for a well-made 27. Folkestone’s high top elbow was pleasing on the eye until he hit one to midwicket on 25. After two more sad dismissals the Rangers were struggling at 81-6 with Robinson and Wakefield at the crease. With fewer than 20 overs remaining Robinson thought batting for the draw was the correct course of action. We then got to witness one of the more comical run outs on Bigside as Robinson hit the ball to the bowler and ran; Ed Wakefield (2009, H) wisely sent him back leaving the Rangers in big trouble.

Ollie Martyn-Hemphill (2012, F) came to the crease at 85-7 and wasn’t moving well. 250 was looking well above par. Some resistance was then provided from Greville Williams 0* (23) at one end and Martyn-Hemphill on 40 at the other, dealing only in boundaries. Sadly, he couldn’t clear a loitering mid-off and the Rangers were 128-9 with only 7 overs left to survive. Unfortunately, the Rangers couldn’t cling on for the draw … view the score card.

It was an enjoyable day out with plenty of lessons learnt. The Rangers batting will have to be stronger for the first round of the Cricketer Cup at home to Oundle on June 9th.


Radley Rangers v The Guards at Burton Court, 11 June 2024

Report by Jonty Robinson (2012, K)

After winning the toss, the Rangers set about putting on a total to bowl out. Our openers got us off to a good start, with Folkestone, 91 off 127 supplying the backbone of the Rangers innings. He played some great shots and took advantage of some costly mistakes by the Guards in the field.  Brooke, Gent, Payne, and Carter all chipped in with handy runs and helped by some friendly bowling we were in a position to declare inside the 40th over for 191-5.

We took the field knowing that we would have just over 40 overs to bowl the Guards out. Hayes and I set about taking early wickets and it was clear Paddy got the memo. His first over read: .W..+W..  in the score book. The Guards were 0-2 and their best batsmen in the shed. Hayes finished with impressive figures of 3-7. The new ball had hurt the Guards and left them 12-4 off 8 overs.

Grant and Greville Williams came on to keep the pressure on. Greville Williams bowled with a newish ball and got it to turn, bowling some great deliveries, finishing with 3-32. Grant bowled well, left arm over at decent pace and bounced out another, caught Greville Williams at backward square; he ending his spell with 1-11. With the Guards all but defeated, we went for the coup de grâce and brought Carter into the attack.

Their number 10 batsman offered some fighting talk telling us ‘it’s not over yet’ (which was good to see from a military man); however, Carter answered with a dipping leg spinner, which looked good for LBW from legs lip; not out, then a shorter ball down leg which was taken, rather smartly even though I say so myself, Carter 0-1 off 0.2, then there was just one man left between us and a crushing victory. Carter bowled a dipping leg spinner which was enough for the umpire, 0-2 off 0.3 overs. The game was done.

Rangers – 191-5 dec

Guards – 60 all out.

The second win in a week for the Rangers. This one more decisive than the last. We had a few in the Surprise and called it a night. An afternoon well spent.

View the Rangers fixture list for 2024

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