How to Launch a Startup Without Losing Your Mind

Launching a startup is an emotional roller coaster: risk, uncertainty, long hours, and an incredibly steep learning curve.

On Wednesday 29th November, Charlie Lass (1994, A), a seasoned entrepreneur and Founder of two companies that support and provide services for startups: Dallas Inc. and Humble Inc, shared some valuable hints on how to navigate the volatile world of starting a business.

Charlie spoke candidly about the highs and lows he has experienced during his entrepreneurial journey, including how he would counsel his younger self to learn humility early on. Charlie busted the myths around what a successful business looks like: rather than billion dollar exits, success can be running a business that is profitable enough to support yourself and your family while maintaining a healthy mind and work-life balance.

You don't have to become a billionaire to be a successful entrepreneur.

Charlie Lass (1994, A)

Charlie was interviewed by entrepreneur and fellow OR, Rory Codrington (2006, E), Founder & CEO of Trust Keith, who was able to add his own experiences to the conversation.

Over 35 members of the Radley community joined online for the talk, and plenty of challenging questions were posed to our expert speakers.

The talk is available to watch on YouTube as part of the Radleian Society’s Beyond Radley playlist.

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Beyond Radley are free-to-join online talks from experts within the Radley community – ORs, current and former parents, staff, and honorary members. These talks last for around an hour, and include plenty of opportunity for questions. Make yourself a cup of tea, log in, and join the discussion.


Explore the Beyond Radley Playlist