We were extremely fortunate to have Jeanette Barnes join us in the art department this week for a Sunday workshop – drawing urban landscapes. I really admire her work for the level of detail that goes into her pieces, and it was special to learn some of the key techniques and ideas that she uses to achieve it. The group started off working with charcoal which progressed from a one-minute challenge to a composition made from three different photos. We also created a series of monotypes by shaping ink over a plastic sheet, and this is where Jeanette’s skills were extremely useful by using card to give the image structure. Overall, I found the workshop fascinating, and I am very grateful to Jeanette for coming in. – Evy (V, C)

Jeanette Barnes is an acclaimed urban artist – with Henry Moore Scholarships, a Richard Ford Spanish Scholarship and a Jerwood Drawing prize, along with exhibits at the John Ruskin Prize and Royal Academy Summer Show, numbering among her achievements and accolades. In an interview with the Open College for the Arts, she once commented:

I love drawing the change in cities. Movement of some kind, whether that’s the construction of new buildings, people rushing by or traffic flowing. I love the city’s energy and I want to translate that feeling into my work. For me people bring buildings alive…

A huge thank you to everyone who made such a wonderful opportunity possible!