We are fortunate to have a place where the whole College community can meet as one. Chapel is figuratively and literally at the heart of Radley and our five weekly services provide the time and space for boys of all faiths and none to reflect and reset.
The Chaplain, Rev’d Dr Bob Evans, leads our spiritual life in Chapel. Together with Sam Gladstone (Precentor), Dr Tim Morris (Succentor), and a team of boy Sacristans they ensure the smooth running of Chapel. Chapel provides an anchor for the spiritual life of the whole community. Baptisms, Confirmation Services, Weddings and Memorial Services are often conducted here at Radley, and the chaplains play a key pastoral role supporting boys and staff at times of need.
In addition to weekday and Sunday services, Eucharist is celebrated on Saints’ Days in the Chapel of the Resurrection. Roman Catholic dons and boys attend a separate mass on Sundays and we make special arrangements for boys of non-Christian faiths.
"What do I miss most about Radley? That's easy, Chapel. And I know I speak for Old Radleians everywhere when I say that. It's such a special place."
Radley College offers boys between the ages of seven and 12 the opportunity to sing as a treble in our outstanding Chapel Choir.
We welcome applications from any boy, we simply ask for a commitment to learning, a reasonable natural ear and a love of performing. Boys are selected after a simple interview and a voice and ear test.
A Spiritual Home
We extended our Chapel in 2022 to ensure we could continue to meet together as a whole community, even with an increasing number of boys.
The original Thomas Graham Jackson building was sympathetically extended with a new octagonal sanctuary and a sequence of apses on the north and south elevations, taking the total capacity to 807. The 1970s organ was replaced with a new instrument from Nicholson’s of Malvern, which sits centrally in the Gallery. The extension has won countless awards for architecture, building quality, engineering and project management.