Reunited at Radley

We were delighted to welcome over 150 ORs back to the College on Saturday 16th September for OR Day 2023.

In the morning, around 50 ORs celebrating 50 years since leaving Radley, or aged 75 and over, joined tours of the College (including their old Socials) with current boys, to see what has changed (and what hasn’t) in the intervening years.

After exploring the College grounds, the groups collected in Mansion for a drinks reception, and a chance to catch up with each other while perusing some fascinating items from the College Archives. The beagles made an appearance, to the delight of all assembled. Lunch followed, in the newly refurbished shop, and the crowd was very impressed by heartfelt speeches from the Warden and Sepehr, the Second Prefect. Their day was rounded off with some rugby spectating on Bigside, and a service in Chapel.

Thank you for organising such a great day. I especially enjoyed the tour of my Social, the service in the very sympathetically extended chapel, and the head boy’s speech.

Charles Heller (1998, B)

The Chapel service marked the middle point of OR Day, and was the moment where the 10-, 20-, 30-, and 40-year reunion groups arrived for the start of their reunion celebrations. After raising the roof with a roaring rendition of Jerusalem, they set off on tours of the College and their old Socials with current boys. After this, they returned to Mansion for a leisurely reception which gave ample opportunity for ORs to share news with each other and catch up with their favourite dons. There was even time for the 1993 Third VIII to recreate their historic team photo, 20 years on.

Dinner in Hall certainly brought back some memories, as over 100 people passed through the servery to collect a delicious supper, and seated themselves on the iconic wooden benches. The notable difference from their school days was the candle-lit atmosphere and generous provision of wine, but these seemed to be well received. The Warden led the speeches, and the Senior Prefect, Zach, brought the house down with a brilliant address to the assembled company, rewarded by frequent bursts of laughter and a huge round of applause. Like all the best nights at Radley, the evening ended in the JCR.

To crown what was a marvellous day all around, the Serpents achieved a magnificent victory on Bigside with a 43-17 win over Reading University.

Thank you to all the ORs who joined us, and especially to those who played a part in gathering groups together, such as the 1971 -73 rowers, the 1993 Third VIII, and the Serpents.

Photos are available to view on Flickr. We would love you to share your own photos of the day by emailing

The arrangements and organisation were perfect, and lunch was delicious. Radley is such a special place and it was great to see so many of my old fellow oarsmen - such wonderful memories.

Mark Hill (1970, E)

Old Radleian Day 2023