On Thursday 16th June, 64 Old Radleians reunited at their 10 years since leaving Radley reunion event, held in London at the impressive Royal Horseguards Hotel. It was a warm evening, but generous options at the bar kept the crowd hydrated. ORs spent a number of lively hours catching up with each other and speaking to current and former dons; a glance around the room revealed dozens of laughing and smiling faces.

Socials gathered for group photos, and there was still some inter-Social rivalry on show, both from ORs and dons, who counted up the attendees for each Social with competitive interest. The event was a triumph, and all that gathered enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect with their Radleian friends. At the time appointed for the event to end, a large proportion of ORs looked set to stay on for further revelry.

For us in the Radleian Society team it was wonderful to bring Radley’s 2012 leavers together again and see how warmly they greeted each other after a decade. If you are an OR and wondering how your old classmates are doing, consider forming a group and coming along to Old Radleian Day on 17th Sept 2022. It’s an opportunity to revisit the College, reconnect with old friends, and reminisce with dons and former dons.

10 Year Reunion, 2022