More than 100 members of the Radley community, including 16 current boys, gathered for the most recent Radleian Society Business Networking event in London, which took place on 24 April 2023.

Following a survey, the theme of this year’s business events is technology and, on Monday evening, we kicked the series off with The Great Energy Challenge.

As countries across the world work to decarbonise their economies and reach net zero, while populations, consumption, and manufacturing continue to rise, we are faced with the challenge of providing for the needs of our society, while protecting the future of our planet.

Worldwide renewable energy employment reached 12.7 million last year, a jump of 700,000 new jobs in one year, according to a new report published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and other organisations.

In order to explore this booming industry and the opportunities that it presents to career starters, we gathered experts from across the sector – solar, hydrogen, power storage, and grid – to share their experiences and expertise.

We heard about all aspects of the sector, from the various types of renewable and green energy production, the future of power infrastructure in the UK, and the services that are part of the journey, such as financial investment and issues of governance.

The first part of the event was live-streamed, and we were joined by 50 viewers online. Following brief introductions by the speakers to their backgrounds, companies and current projects, we began with a period of group networking, allowing everyone the chance to ask question of, and listen to all six experts. After that, we opened the event to individual conversations and networking.

Discussion was lively, reflecting the excitement and depth of feeling that the topic ignited in everyone there. The event was particularly useful for the current boys and young ORs who gained a valuable insight into the opportunities that the renewables and green energy industry can offer.

The event was generously hosted by Charlie Palmer, Senior Managing Director at TFI Consulting and ably compèred by Vincent Neate, maths teacher, and formally Head of Sustainability at KPMG.

We are grateful for the time given by our expect speakers:

·        James Basden, Founder Director of Zenobē
·        George Gray-Cheape, Director at Dalcour Maclaren
·        Ben Hanson, Business Developer (Hydrogen) at bp
·        Julian Pertwee, Founding Director of Footprint Zero
·        Rory Scott Russell, Head of Venture Capital at East Alpha
·        Will Stinton, Chief of Staff at Protium Green Solutions

radleian society energy event
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